About Me

Welcome! I am an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Bryant University. I received my PhD (2024) and MA (2020) from the University of Maryland and my bachelor's degree from the University of Tennessee.

My research is broadly situated in American politics with specific foci in interest groups, legislative politics, and polarization. I am also interested in quantitative approaches to measuring interest group organization, strategy, and efficacy. My dissertation focused on the importance of issue space, for the formation, longevity, and political activities of interest groups. In it, I presented a theoretical framework arguing that groups do not exist in isolation but are part of a larger issue space where they interact with and are affected by other groups. My work has been published or is forthcoming in Political Science Research and Methods, Political Research Quarterly, Interest Groups & Advocacy, and Pursuit. I teach a variety of classes in American politics including Introduction to American Government, Political Parties and Elections, Congress, and Interest Groups.

For more information about my academic qualifications, including publications, please see my CV..